Wednesday, March 03, 2010

"Big" is still Little

Today I realized how little my "big" boy is. Well, there have been many other days that I have realized this, but today, as I watched Cobb walk into school surrounded by all those "real big" kids, it hit me. My "big" boy is still so little. I don't know if I'm making much sense, but there will be a time where he doesn't want big hugs from his mommy. There will be a time where he won't cry to me because of the unfairness of Charly not allowing him to color on her special coloring book. There will be a time when mommy's kiss or hug won't really do the trick. There will be a time where he may come to me with bigger hurts and sorrows, to which maybe neither mommy nor daddy knows the answer. It's our job to prepare his "little" heart for these times; these times that are fast approaching. It's our job to direct him towards the one who can comfort him in all his needs. It's our job to show him the secure love that comes from the Lord alone.

This job of ours seems daunting at first, but then I am so thankful that our heavenly Father really loves Cobb(and Charly & Ridge) more than either of us could ever imagine, and that our kids are children of the sovereign and perfect Lord. Can I learn to hold my kids with an open hand so that the Lord can take care of them without my need for control getting in the way? Can I learn to trust the Lord with these children of mine? And can I humble myself so that they can watch as the Lord shepherds me to be more like Christ? My kids will learn that secure love much more from my actions, and much less from words. John 3:30 says, "He must become greater; I must become less." Lord, help me to become less so my children see YOU and not me!!

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