Wednesday, November 03, 2010


Last week we relaxed in Cancun while the sweet grandparents took care of the kiddos. Rob and Jeff signed up for a Dave Ramsey business conference, and Stacey and I got to tag along.

Stacey and I spent most of our time hanging at the beach or pool. I read 2 great novels! Even though the guys spent the majority of time in conference meetings, they did get to spend some time on the beach with us.

Our room was awesome! Here's the view from our bed:

And the crazy big bath tub:

Beautiful sunrise view from our room:

Here we are on the bus heading to our hotel:

Dinner one night:

One night we ventured out of our resort to a shopping center. This guy did a charcoal drawing of Rob and me. Doesn't really look like either of us, but we thought it was cool anyway.

Rob found a Starbucks:

A few nights the 4 of us would hang out by the pool outside. I always got so tired and fell asleep on the chair:

I loved hanging with my sweet hubby.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like a wonderful time away!! You look relaxed and beautiful!
Love Christina