Friday, June 10, 2011

Tribb is 2 months!

Tribb (Tribby, Tribster, Tribble, T) turned 2 months on June 7th! Time is flying by with our youngest boy. I have been an absolute horrible blogger, photographer, & videographer causing me to miss so many sweet moments on video & camera!! I do have a few though.

Tribb had his first official doctor's appt on April 13th where he weighed in at 8 lbs 4 oz. He had already passed his birth weight at just 6 days old. At 2 weeks, he weighed 9 lb 4.2 oz! Growing fast!! Tribb rolled over from his tummy to his back at 4 weeks (mainly out of frustration I think). He's not a big fan of tummy time. Tribb has been such an amazing joy and blessing, however, I wouldn't rank him my "easiest" nor my "hardest." We've had our days of crying and/or no sleeping. But we've also had many smiley moments! I caught one on video as I had him smile at himself in my iphone.

On April 16th, he went to Nana & Pops' house for the first time to see all his Thomas family. It was a really fun first outing. He also got to go the very next weekend for Easter (see pic here). And then he also got to meet and hang with all his Cobb cousins over Mother's Day weekend (see pic here).

The greatest parts of the last two months have been watching T's siblings oooh and ahhh over their baby brother, especially Ridge. He is SUCH a great helper, almost too much sometimes. Ridge loves to put his huge paw hands on his brother's head or get right in his face to talk to him. Ridge loves him so very much.

Cobb is very protective and nuturing towards Tribb. He's always watching out for him, and usually the first to grab for a pacifier or anything to calm Tribb down (that's if he is able to beat Ridge to it!).

Charly can always seem to calm T-man with her sweet voice. She went with me to take T to get his 2 month shots. Sweet Charly rubbed his belly and sang to him. When the nurses gave him his shots, both Charly and I got teary eyed when we saw Tribb in pain.

Tribb's two month stats:
Weight: 14 lbs 3.6 oz (90th percentile)
Length: 22 1/4 in (24th percentile)
Head Cir: 16 in (62nd percentile)

My summary: Short & chunky baby! Love you Tribb!!

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